Kuah Pilek U Aceh Specialties
Kuah Pilek U Aceh Specialties. Kuah pilek U Aceh specialties
like goulash goats but there is a weird name with this dish if you are not the
original people of Aceh bias has that name because it uses material from the dried
coconut the foul named "Pilek" but don't get me wrong this cuisine
many fans and very delicious if served with salted fish and rice is still warm
if you want to try to make it yourself at home please read the recipe.
Gnetum leaves
Young jackfruit
Long beans
Eggplant Green
Gnetum gnemon fruit
Colds U 1 oz
Shrimp 1 oz
Coconut coconut fruit 1 kukur
Materials in iris/Rajang:
Green chili 10 pieces
And 2 stalks J4wzor
Red Onion 2 cloves
Lime leaves 10 pieces
Read also :
Materials mashed:
Red chillies 5 pieces
Cayenne Fruit 15
Garlic 2 cloves
Onion 5 cloves
1 tbsp coriander
Ginger one segment finger
Saffron one segment finger
½ tbsp pepper
Acid sunti 5 pieces
How To Make It:
Boil briefly vegetables that have
been prepared, waste water boiled coconut input and Pilek and then serve.
So the Aceh cuisine recipes can
we present to you all, is actually still much variety of culinary dishes and
typical foods of the land of rencong because Indenesia has a wide range of
culinary and traditional culture very much. Hopefully helpful